Friends, today we are introducing a fantastic facility provided by the Election Commission. The Election Commission has launched a Voter Helpline application for the convenience of the public. This application has numerous features. Through this app, you can download your voter slip from the comfort of your home and access all information related to your polling booth. Additionally, you can fill out an online form to register as a new voter from home.
In this article, we will guide you on how to apply for a new voter ID card online using the Voter Helpline application if you haven’t created one yet. This process is applicable if you are 18 years old and do not already have a voter ID card.
Follow the process carefully to avoid any issues in the future. Read this article thoroughly to understand the process and register for a new voter ID card from home, saving you time from standing in long queues.
Steps to Create a New Voter ID Card Using the Voter Helpline App
Step 1: Download the Voter Helpline application from the Play Store. Open the app on your phone.
Step 2: Once the app opens, check the box next to “I agree” under the Disclaimer and click on “Next.”
Step 3: Choose the language you want to use in the app and click on “Get Started.” You can select from the 12 available languages.
Step 4: Select the “Voter Registration” option from the many options available for filling out a new voter card form.
Step 5: Click on the “New Voter Registration (For Form 6)” option. This form is used to create a new voting card.
Step 6: Click on the “Let’s Start” option.
Step 7: Enter your mobile number and click “Send OTP.” Make sure to use the mobile number you want to associate with your voter ID. A new page will open where you need to enter the OTP received on your mobile and then click on “Verify OTP.”
Step 8: A new page will open with two options:
Yes, I am applying for the first time
No, I already have a voter ID
Choose the first option and click on the “Next” button.
Step 9: Select your State, District, and Assembly Constituency. Enter your correct date of birth and choose a document to verify your birthdate from the “Select Date of Birth” section. You can upload documents like a PAN card, Aadhar card, or birth certificate. In this guide, we are using the Aadhar card, but you may choose any document as per your preference. Click on the “Upload” section to upload a photocopy of the selected document. After completing this step, click on the “Next” button.
Note: Ensure the document is self-attested. This means you should sign on a Xerox/colored print of the document before scanning or taking a photo of it for upload.
Step 10: A new page will open where you need to upload your photo by clicking on the “Upload Picture” option. This photo will appear on your voting card. Scroll down to select your gender and provide your personal information like first name and last name. Ensure that the name matches exactly with your Aadhar card. When you type your name in English, it will automatically appear in Hindi (or your local language). Verify the spelling and make changes if necessary. Enter your Aadhar number in the Aadhar Detail section, your mobile number, and fill out the Disability section if applicable, otherwise click “Next.”
Step 11: Provide information about a close relative. Select a person whose voter ID is already issued from the “Relation Type” section. Enter the voter ID number (EPIC) of the selected relative in the “Enter Voter ID” section and provide their name in the “Name of Relative” section. Click on “Next.”
Step 12: A new page will open where you need to provide your home address. Fill out all the address fields accurately. Choose a document for address proof from the “Select Address Proof” section and upload a photocopy of that document by clicking “Upload.” Finally, click “Next.”
Note: Ensure the address proof document is self-attested. This means you should sign on a Xerox/colored print of the document before scanning or taking a photo of it for upload.
Step 13: In the final Declaration part, enter your Village/Town name and the date from which you have been living at your current address. Scroll down and enter the place from where you are applying for this form in the “Place of Applicant” section. Click “Done.”
Review the entire form to ensure all information is accurate. If everything is correct, click “Confirm.” If any changes are needed, edit the form before confirming.
Step 14: After submitting the form, you will receive a Reference ID. Save this ID as you will need it to check the status of your application later (to track the progress of your voter card and check if there are any issues with the form).
Step 15: You can check the status of your voter card on the home page.
For checking the voter card status: After about 15 to 30 days, your documents will be verified, and you will receive a message on your mobile indicating that your voter card is ready. You can download the digital copy of your card from the same dashboard. The offline card will be sent to your address within approximately 3 to 6 months.
For downloading your voter card: Follow the instructions provided in the application.
Conclusion: This article explains the facilities provided by the Voter Helpline application and the process to register for a new voter ID card. After reading this article, you can fill out the application form from home to get your new voter ID card. We have described the process in simple terms, so make sure to read the article thoroughly and follow the steps to save time and avoid queues.